Getting Started

Table of Contents/Checklist


Welcome to Epicor Scheduling Plus™. This document is intended to provide a checklist and general guidance on navigating through the Scheduling Plus setup videos and user guides. It is not intended to be a complete scheduling Plus User guide. A robust knowledge base can be found here.

Initial Setup Steps

See Initial Setup Steps for configuring the application after your, company, store, and employee data have been entered.

To begin the process, ensure your account is set up with the following details:

  • Company Name
  • Store Information
  • Employee Data

Company details can be imported using the import spreadsheet. See Import Spreadsheet Instructions for instructions.

Click a hyperlink below for detailed instructions on importing the following items:

Once the import is complete, there are additional tasks that will need to be completed. These tasks can be completed in any order and are broken down into the following sections.

  • Schedule Management
  • Employee Management
  • Time Clock Management
  • Task Management

Schedule Management

In order to schedule employees, you will need to learn how to create and manage schedules. See Scheduling Basics which includes detailed instructions for creating a Schedule Template.

You have two options when creating a shift:

Next, you will need to learn how to configure labor mapping and copy shift blocks:

  • Click here to learn about Labor Mapping
  • Click here to learn how to copy Shift Blocks

Employee Management

This section will teach you how to enable a user, manage employee details, create new department, etc. Follow the links below to learn about each topic.

Time Clock Management

The employee clocks in/out of their shift using the Time Clock, and management will use it track employee time, view history, create alerts and reports, and export payroll. Learn about Time Clock Settings and Portal Setup by clicking here.

Next, you will need to set up a Time Clock Computer, click here.

Complete the following sections to learn how to operate the Time Clock:

Task Management

Tasks can be created, assigned to specific employees, and then tracked by management.

Click on the links below to learn more about Task Management:


Alerts are used to notify management of a particular event (i.e. employee is absent). Click here to learn about Alerts.

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