View Time Clock History

To view time clock history for your employee(s) choose Attendance History from the Time Clock drop-down menu.


Here you will see a list of all of the clock ins, clock outs, and breaks recorded for your employee.


If you want to list only the time clock entries for a specific employee you can go to their individual time sheet within the payroll screen. Select All Employees Payroll from the Time Clock drop-down menu.


On the right you will see a breakdown of your employees accumulated Regular hours, OT hours, PTO hours, and totals.
To view the individual time sheet of an employee find their name in the time sheets list on the left and click on it. Please note that if an employee has been highlighted in pink it is an indicator of missing clock outs.


Below is a sample time sheet view. Here you will see the breakdown of clock ins, clock outs, and break information for the employee you chose from the list. Note that any entries with a pencil icon next to them are manual entries not handled through the time clock portal. Such edits are reserved for the company manager other management positions with elevated permissions.


Attendance History may be Exported to Excel or PDF


Summary Totals are displayed at the bottom of the Attendance History screen
This summary saves users time by calculating those numbers automatically. It shows the
total scheduled, and total clocked hours.


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