Configuring Employee Availability Schedule

Within Epicor Scheduling+, you can add and modify employee availability schedule.

In this article, we will cover:

Adding Employee Availability

Employee availability schedule is included in the process of creating a new employee profile. However, you can also add a new availability schedule for an existing employee.

To create a new employee availability schedule:

  1. Select the Employees tab from the main navigation bar.
    The list of employees within your company appears.
    availability_1.pngYou can also click on the gear icon gearicon.png to expand the Settings menu, and select Employees within Company Settings.
  2. Select the Update icon 1editicon.png next to the employee you want to set an availability schedule for.
  3. Click on the Availability tab.
    The list of days appears with the time schedule of the employee.availability_2.png
  4. In the Day field, enter the day of the week.
  5. Set the duration of the shift in the From and To fields.
  6. Click the add icon add-icon.pngto add the new schedule to the list.

Editing Employee Availability

To edit an existing employee availability schedule, visit the Employees page from the main navigation bar.

  1. Click on the Update icon 1editicon.png next to the employee you want to edit.
  2. Navigate to the Availability tab.
  3. To edit the Day, click on the drop-down menu and select a day of the week.
  4. To edit the availability schedule for a specific day, click on the From and To fields.
    Note, you can only add each day of the week, duplicating same days displays an error. availability_3.png
  5. To delete an availability schedule for a specific day, click on the Delete icon del-icon.png.

Applying Availability Template to an Employee

You can use a pre-defined availability template to add your employee’s availability schedule. View these existing schedules from the Availability page.

To create an availability template from scratch, read Create a New Availability Template to learn more. 

  1. From the Settings menu gearicon.png > Company Settings > Employees.
    A list of your employees displays.
  2. Click on the Edit icon 1editicon.pngnext to the employee you wish to assign the availability template.
    The Employee Settings screen appears.
  3. Navigate to the Availability tab.availability_5.png
  4. Select the drop-down next to the Apply button to see the list of existing availability templates. Select the availability schedule from this drop-down menu of your choice.
  5. Click Apply to save your changes.

You have successfully added an existing availability schedule to your employees. 
This concludes the procedure to apply and edit employee availability schedule.

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