Configuring Time Clock Settings and Portal Setup

Time Clock Display and Punch Settings

Scheduling+ offers dedicated Timeclock software on web and tablet application versions.
• Web Time Clock: Access the timeclock at
• Mobile Time Clock: To download the Scheduling+ Time Clock Tablet App, use the following links:

o For iOS (iPad):
o For Android Tablet App:

Configuring Time Clock Settings for your company

This section explains how to configure Time Clock settings for your company. To learn more about setting up a Timeclock Computer see, Setting up a Timeclock Computer.
Select Settings from the Time Clock Menu.


Here you can change the way the time clock operates.



In the Configuration section, you can configure the time clock and how payroll operates for your company. You can configure the following:
Restrict Remote Clocking - Switch this setting ON only after you enter your network's external IP address in the Settings text box. You can find your network's external IP by accessing the Settings menu from your store network or navigating to on your time clock computer. You can add multiple IP addresses.
Show Logout Button on Time Clock Portal - Switch on this toggle to view the logout button on the Time Clock App.
Limit Early Clock In (minutes) - Switch on this toggle to limit how early an employee can clock in for their shift. Enter a value in minutes.
Limit Early Clock in from Meal Break (minutes) - Switch on this toggle to limit how early an employee can complete their meal break. Enter a value in minutes.
Limit Punch Timeout (hours) - Enter a value in hours in this field after which a clocked in punch will timeout.
For example, if an employee forgot to clock out and the preset value is 12 hours, they can clock in again only after 12 hours.
Rounding Rules - You can set the rounding rules under this section. If you are unsure about the best setting for your store, we recommend you select None. The rounding rules drop-down menu has the following options:

o None -- Punch duration is based on the actual time clocked by the employee.
o 15 Minute – Rounds off and calculates punches from the nearest quarter of an hour, with split occurring in the middle of each quarter hour.
Example: A punch at 7:52 am is calculated as 7:45 am. A punch at 7:53 am is calculated as 8:00 am.
o 15 Minute Slant -- Quarter hour rounding like the above except, the break point occurs on the 5th minute or 10th minute depending on whether it is an IN punch or an OUT punch (10/5 split on an In punch, 5/10 split on an Out punch).
Example: An In punch at 7:49 am is calculated as 7:45 am and an In punch at 7:50 am is calculated as 8:00 am.
An Out punch at 5:09 pm is calculated as 5:00 pm and An Out punch at 5:10 pm is calculated as 5:15 pm.
o 10th Hour – This option calculates punches from the tenth hour point and advances every six minutes.
Example: An In punch at 7:30 am is calculated as 7:5 am. An Out punch at 4:05 pm is calculated as 4:00 pm.
o Nearest Minute - This setting rounds off the punch data to the nearest minute. For example, if an employee has clocked in at 3:15:20 (hr:min:sec) pm, then the timesheet will round it to 3:15 pm. But if he/she has clocked in at 3:15:45 pm, then the timesheet will round it to 3:16 pm.

Pay Period - The system uses Pay Period to generate reports. The most notable ones are the Employee Payroll reports and exports. Select your pay period type and a reference start date to generate reports.
Week Start Day of a Payroll Pay Period – Select the start day of a payroll period using this setting. For example, select Monday from the drop-down menu, if you want to set Monday as the start day of the payroll period.
Payroll Export Type- To learn more about the Payroll Export Type see, How To Export Payroll.
Employees appearing on the time clock portal- Select the type of employees that will appear on the time clock portal using the below drop-down menu:
All employees can clock in/out whether they are on schedule or not. When using the Employee Scroll layout all store employee lists are displayed.
Scheduled -- Only scheduled employees can clock in/out. Early Clock In limits apply. When using the Employee Scroll layout only a scheduled employee list is displayed.
Time Clock Portal Layout – You can choose the look and feel of your web time clock portal by using this setting. The drop-down menu of the Time Clock Portal Layout has the following options:
• Old School - This is our new time clock interface. Employees enter their 4-digit PIN to view tasks, clock in/out, and log breaks. To use this interface all employees must be assigned a unique 4-digit PIN. If you change to this format and duplicate PIN are present the system will prompt you to reset them. If an employee is assigned a longer than 4-digit PIN, they must contact management about resetting it to a 4-digit PIN.
• Employee Scroll - This is our original layout. Employees can scroll to their name and clock in/out, break out/in, and check their punch log.

Time Sheet Approval - This system allows the employees and management to approve timesheets prior to payroll processing and can be activated from the Time Clock Settings. There is a field labeled Time Sheet Approval which includes Employee Approval, Manager Approval, or both.
PDF Exports Layout – Select the layout of the PDF version of your Employee Payroll reports. The PDF Exports Layout drop-down menu includes the Landscape and Portrait layouts.
Clock Paid Breaks – Switch on this toggle, to select if you want the punch widget to have an option for the employees to clock in/out of paid (regular) breaks.
Clock Meal Breaks – Switch on this toggle if you want the punch widget to include an option for the employees to clock in/out of meal breaks.
Show Tasks on Clock In/Out: Switch on this toggle for a task window to appear when an employee clocks in and has assigned tasks for the day.
Show Employee Number on Payroll –Switch on this toggle to display the Employee ID on the payroll screen.
Allow Photo on Clock In/Out – Switch on this toggle to capture the employee’s picture as they clock in and out from the Time Clock Tablet App.
Allow Job Code on Clock In – Switch on this toggle if an employee must select a job code while clocking in.
Hide Request Types from Payroll if not in use – Switch on this toggle to allow the managers to hide Request Types if there are no hours for the request types in the selected pay period from the All-Employees’ Payroll and Store Employees’ Payroll screens, including the exports that can be generated from these screens.

Managers can enable or disable this setting anytime for their company/organization and this is applicable to all the stores under that company. However, all the request types remain accessible to employees, and management can approve or deny their respective requests.
By enabling this toggle, the Request Type columns are hidden from the payroll if they are not used in a pay period.
By disabling this toggle, the current system’s behavior is not affected. All the request types(paid) will show up on Payroll for all the intervals even if they are not used.
Select the Save Changes button to save your changes.

Time Clock Code

The Time Clock Code tab has a list of all the stores in your company with their time clock PINs. Each store location has a unique PIN/Code. This PIN is used to set up the Time Clock Application for your store. If your location does not have a Code displayed, select the Refresh icon to generate one.


Reports Settings

In the Report settings section, you can customize the reports for your company. You can use the following options:
• Show Salaried Employees on Reports – Switch on this toggle to see your salaried (annual) employees’ information included in the payroll reports.
• Early Clock In Grace Time (minutes) – By switching on this toggle Clock In before X minutes of scheduled time is considered Early Clock In.
• Late Clock In Grace Time (minutes) – By switching on this toggle Clock In after X minutes of scheduled time is considered Late Clock In.
• Early Clock Out Grace Time (minutes) - By switching on this toggle Clock Out before X minutes of scheduled time is considered Early Clock Out.
Select the Save Changes button to save your changes.

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