The 2022.02.16 release for the Epicor S+ platform consists of the following updates.
Upcoming Time Off Widget
A new widget titled Upcoming Time Off has been added to the Employee Dashboard that will allow both the managers and employees to quickly view who is out from their team for the current week and the next week. So, this information can be factored into planning and scheduling their work.
Ubuntu & PHP Version Upgrade
As part of our Security Compliance Upgrade initiative, Epicor S+ will be upgraded to Ubuntu version 18.4 & PHP version 7.4 to ensure the security of our site data and keep up with the new updates.
Code Refactor
In an ongoing effort to refactor the Epicor Scheduling+ web application to Vue from PHP, so we can accommodate new and advanced features, following items have been successfully refactored and are now being released to production.
Item No. | Component Name | Type |
1. |
Stores Screen (Admin Panel). |
Table. |
2. |
Companies Screen (Admin Panel). |
Table. |
3. |
Import/Export (Company Settings) |
Screen. |
4. |
View Scheduled Tasks (Tasks Menu). |
Table & Export. |
5. |
Manage Task Cards (Tasks Menu). |
Screen, Export & Email. |
6. |
Create Availability (Company Settings) |
Form. |
7. |
Edit Availability (Company Settings) |
Form. |
Other Improvements and Fixes
- The Weather Widget on the store and employee dashboards will now show more accurate weather data according to your selected location.
- Fixed issues with the New Employee Registration and Repeating Shifts More Than a Week.
- Fixed issues with our SMS service to enable text messaging on international numbers through S+ and other small issues related to incomplete or broken text messages.