Employee Details


To edit employee details, click on the Employee Details tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.


The fields with an asterisk are required. The contact information is used to send schedules to your team. The more you fill out here the less you have to add later.


First Name - Employee's first name.

Last Name - Employee's last name.

Employee Id - If you are planning on using the Time Clock module for payroll it is highly recommended that this number coincide with the employee's Employee ID within that system.

Time Clock Pin - This PIN will be used by your employee to clock in using the timeclock app.

Email Address - Employee's email address.

Meal Break Length - This is the meal break length (in minutes) that the employee will be assigned on the schedule. If you leave this blank the default value set in the Company Details section will be used.

Paid Type - This sets whether or not employees are paid for meal breaks. Common options are listed below. This setting is not required and can be set within the admin Dashboard at a later time.
Paid meal breaks for exempt employees only
Paid meal breaks for everyone
No Paid meal breaks

Exempt or Not Exempt - This tells the system whether or not the employee qualifies for overtime pay. Hourly employees, in general, are non-exempt as they qualify to be compensated for Overtime Hours. Salaried employees are most likely exempt as their salaries do not change based on their clocked hours.

The Overtime Settings are found within the Company settings tab and can also be modified from the admin settings at a later time.

Home Phone - Employee's home phone number.

Cell Phone - This will be used to send the employee their schedule via SMS.

Cell Carrier - This setting will ensure that SMS messages are sent from the same carrier. It can reduce text rates if employee have a phone plan that offers free in-network messaging. A few  Common carriers are listed below.

Salary Type - Enter whether the employee is Hourly or Salary.

Wage - The Hourly wage or salary for the employee. 

Position - Assign their default position. This can be edited later from the admin Dashboard.

Assigned Store(s) - The stores the employee is assigned to. For multiple stores separate them with commas (no space).


Proceed to Time Off Request Types

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