Setting Up Scheduling+

This article explains the initial setup procedure to update company, store, and employee information in the system. Here, you can find the procedures to manually add or import the data to the system. 

After the data is imported, you or the specified company manager will receive an email with login credentials. You can log in to the application using these credentials.

Checking Company Settings

Before you make any changes in the Company Settings screen, it is important to double-check some of the default settings. To check and update the company settings, follow the below steps:

From the Settings menu, select Update under the Company Settings. The system displays the Company Settings screen.


Here you can see your company settings.


The fields in the Company Settings screen are as follows:

  • Company Name: Name of the company 
  • Country (default: United States)
  • Account Administrator: Name of the account admin/owner.
  • Annual Hours (default: 2080):  The maximum number of hours an employee is allowed to clock in/clock out in a year. It is recommended to keep the default value. The default value is calculated by multiplying 40 (hours a week) x 52 (weeks in a year) = 2080 (working hours in the year).
  • Meal Break Length: The time duration allocated for a meal break in minutes. You can also set the meal break length from the Employees Setting screen.
  • Consecutive Minutes (default: 300): The maximum number of minutes an employee can work without a meal break. The default value is 300 minutes, i.e. a shift of 5 hours or more requires a lunch break.
  • Maximum Hours Between Shifts: The minimum number of hours needed between shifts.
  • Maximum Shifts Per Day: The maximum number of shifts that you can schedule for a day.
  • Minimum Hours Prior To Drop/Swap: The minimum hours needed prior to dropping/swapping a shift. 
  • Active: Defines whether the selected company is operational.

Make the desired changes and select Save.

Checking Store Settings

From the Store Settings screen, you can update the store information, such as address and phone number. To check and update the store settings, follow the below steps:
From the Settings menu, select Update under the Store Settings. Or, select Stores under Company Settings to access the store information. The Store Settings screen appears.


Here you can see your company settings. 


In the same way, you updated the company settings, you can also customize the values for the store settings. Most of the fields in the Store Setting screen are the same as the fields in the Company Settings screen. For more details, see Check Company Settings. The fields only available in the Store Settings screen are as follows:


From the Details section, enter the store address details in the below fields:

  • Store Name: Name of the store
  • Number: Store Number
  • Location and Address details: Enter the location and address details of the store in the below fields:
    • Location
    • State
    • City
    • Time zone
    • Zip code
    • Address
    • Fax1 and 2
    • Phone 1 and 2

From the Setting section, enter the below details:

  • Schedule Start Day: The day on which your store’s weekly schedule starts.
  • Store Start Time: Store opening time.
  • Store End Time: Store closing time.
  • Minimum Hours Prior to Applying for an Open Shift: The Minimum hours needed before applying for or assigning an open shift.
  • Notes: Additional information about the store.
  • Is Active: It defines whether the store is operational or not. You can add or remove the store from the billing by checking or unchecking the box.

Make the desired changes and select Save.

Customizing Email Templates

To check and customize the employee details, follow the below steps:

From the Settings menu, select Employees under the Store Settings or Company Settings.

Or, from the main navigation bar, select the Employees tab. The system displays the Employee's screen.

From the Employees screen, you can update details of employees at the store level and company level. Here, you can update the below details of the employees:

  • Employee information: Basic information, Employee Information, Login Credentials, Change Password, and Notification Preferences.
  • Update
  • Availability
  • Benefits
  • Costs
  • Departments
  • Exemptions
  • Skills
  • Positions
  • Stores
  • Requests
  • PTO Accrual
  • Timesheet


Select the required employee to update the details.



Make the desired changes and select Save. For more details about the fields in this screen, see Adding a New Employee

Checking Scheduling Details

From the Manage Schedule screen, you can update the schedule details of employees in your store. This screen helps the user to create, assign and manage shifts of the employees for desired time intervals. The View Schedule screen helps the user view the scheduled shift details for the desired time interval.

To check and customize the schedule details, follow the below steps:

Manage Schedule

From the Scheduling drop-down menu, select Manage Schedule.


Here, you can perform the below activities:

  • Create a shift with and without a template.
  • Update a shift.
  • Create a Calendar Event i.e. Announcement, Holiday, and Blackout Day.
  • Change the view of this screen i.e. Day and Week view.
  • View the time off calendar.
  • View the forecast grid i.e. Total hours (in hours and percentage), Labor Hours Forecast, Scheduled percentage to Forecast, Sales Forecast, Labor as % of Sales, Transaction Forecast, and Transaction.
  • Update the application settings i.e. Filters and Cost.
  • Import schedules
  • Upload the work schedule in Excel format.

View Schedule

From the Scheduling drop-down menu, select View Schedule.


Here, you can perform the below activities:

  • Customize the schedule i.e. include and exclude a few details.
  • Send the schedule by email and SMS.
  • Export the schedule in Excel and PDF format.

For more information about the scheduling activities, see Basics of Schedule Management 

Customizing Email Templates

From the Email Templates screen, you can customize your template to fit your needs. To check and customize the email template, follow the below steps:

Select the Settings menu at the top right corner and select Email Templates under the Company Settings. The system displays the Email Templates screen. By default, the system has four email templates such as:

  • Welcome
  • Currently Viewed Schedule
  • Revised Schedule
  • Daily Task Cards


Select the Edit button next to the desired template to make the changes. The system displays the Email Template Settings form.


You can use the keywords listed below in the templates. You can use these keywords to replace the relative content. 

  • Message Content: {content}
    You can change this keyword's position, but please do not remove this keyword, as it will remove the email's content (schedule, tasks, credentials, etc.).
  • Username: {username}
  • Password: {password}
  • Employee's Full Name: {userfullname}
  • Store Name: {storename}
  • Company Name: {companyname}
  • Date Range: {daterange}
  • Today's Date: {currentdate}

Make the desired changes and select Save.


Exemptions is a setting used by the task module to limit employees to certain tasks. For example, if an employee is unable to lift more than 10-15lbs, they should be assigned a "heavy lifting" exemption. Then, this will be applied to any tasks that require heavy lifting. As a result, that employee's name will not be displayed in the list of employees when you are assigning that task. To check and update the exemption settings at the company and store level, follow the below steps:

Select the Settings menu at the top right corner.

Select Exemptions under the Company Settings to update exemptions in your company or Exemptions under Store Settings to update exemptions in your selected store. The system displays the Exemptions screen.


Select the Edit button to make the desired changes. The system displays the Exemptions Settings screen. Here you can see your Exemptions settings. 


The fields in the Exemptions Settings screen are as follows:

Settings tab:

  • Name: Exemption name
  • Scope: Stores that need to be assigned for this exemption. By default, all stores are selected in this field.
  • Notes: Additional information about the exemption.

Task tab: Assign this exemption to the desired task(s).

Employees tab: Assign this exemption to the desired employee(s).

Make the desired changes and select Save


Positions are roles assigned to your employees in the store. To check and update the position settings at the company and/or store level, follow the below steps:

Select the Settings menu at the top right corner.

Select Positions under the Company Settings to update positions in your company or Positions under Store Settings to update positions in your selected store. The system displays the Position screen.


Select the Edit button to make the desired changes. The system displays the Positions Settings screen.


The fields in the Positions Settings screen are as follows:

Settings tab

  • Position Title: Name given for the position.
  • Description: Description of the position.
  • Hourly Rate: Hourly rate for this position (if needed).
  • Scope: The Scope drop-down menu helps to assign this position to one or more stores.
  • Color: The color that needs to be displayed on the Manage Schedule screen for this position.
  • Sort Order: This number is used on any list of the positions which includes the main Positions list and drop-down menus on the Create Shift and Create Template screens.
  • Customer Facing Position: This determines whether this position should be used to calculate the labor forecast. If the toggle is selected, add the value in the Number of Minutes on Average that this Position Spends with Each Customer field. It helps to create a schedule more accurately.
  • Permissions Apply To This Position: This enables the ability to assign custom permissions to this Position. It is useful for Store Managers and other Management to have access to the employee creation/editing, scheduling, and task permissions. If this toggle is enabled the Permission tab gets added to the Position screen, which can help you to assign different permissions for the selected positions.

Employees Tab: Using this tab, you can assign employee(s) to this position.

Permission Tab: Using this tab, you can assign permission(s) to this position.

Make the desired changes and select Save.


If you have multiple store locations, you can manage them from this screen. To check and update the stores, follow the below steps:
Select the Settings menu at the top right corner and select Stores under the Company Settings.
Select the Edit button to manage the desired store and select the Create Store button to create a new store in your company.


The system displays the Store Settings screen. For more details about the fields in the Store Settings screen, see Check Store Settings

Task Categories

Each task requires a category. From the Task Categories screen,  you can organize your tasks by grouping them into similar categories. The common categories are Merchandising, Inventory Maintenance, and Housekeeping. You can customize these categories to fit your company's needs. To check and update task categories, follow the below steps:

Select the Settings button at the top right corner and select Task Categories under the Company Settings.

Select the Edit button to manage the desired store and select the Create Task Category button to create a new store in your company. The system displays the Task Category Settings screen. 

For more details on Task Categories, see Task Categories.


From the Task Settings screen, you can add, remove, or edit the tasks to fit the needs of your store(s). To check and update the task, follow the below steps:

Select the Settings menu at the top right corner. Select Tasks under the Company Settings to update Tasks at the company level or Tasks under Store Settings to update at the store level. The system displays the Tasks screen.

Select the Edit button to manage the desired task and select the Create Task button to create a new task in your company. The system displays the Task Settings screen. 


The fields in the Tasks Settings screen are as follows:

Settings Tab

  • Name: Name given for the task.
  • Task Category: Select the desired task category.
  • Start Time: Starting time of the task.
  • End Time: Ending time of the task.
  • Scope: Scope drop-down menu helps to add this task to one or more stores.
  • Description: Description of the task.
  • Can be assigned to more than one person at a time?: Select the toggle based on your preference.
  • Duration: Time duration of the task.
  • Recurrence: If you want the task to be repeated at regular intervals, turn this setting on.[SB2]  The range of recurrence available are as follows:
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Yearly
  • Range of Recurrence: If the task is set to recurring, you can select the start time and end time of the range of recurrence based on your preference.

Positions Tab 

From this tab, you can select the position(s) that can fulfil this task. For example, if you select the Cashier position, then only employees scheduled to work as cashiers will show up on the assigned task list.

Exemptions Tab 

From this tab, you can assign exemptions to this task. For example, if the task requires heavy lifting and you select the ‘Heavy Lifting’ exemption, any employee with that exemption will be omitted from the Assign Task menu.

Skills Tab

From this tab, you can assign desired skills to this task. For example, If the task requires any mandatory skills, you set the desired skills to this task so the employee with that skill can only be assigned to this task.

Labor Budget Widget Filters based on Store Budget Permissions

Due to the sensitive nature of the labor budget, these details are displayed only on the Store Dashboard for managers or users who have the correct permissions.


Import/Export Feature

This feature allows managers to export their company, store, or employee information and settings. You can also use it to import new employees or update current ones.

It is recommended that an Export is performed before any Import. This will ensure that the proper format and acceptable fields are used during any import process.

If you have not imported your company and/or store data, you can import it using an import spreadsheet. To download a copy of the spreadsheet, click the attachment. Please contact our support team via chat for more information.

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