Store Details

To edit store details, click on the Store Details tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.


Set the store details.

Store Name - The name of your store location(s).

Store ID - The store number.

Vendor ID - The vendor ID. The most common numbers are listed below. If your vendor IDs are not listed below contact us to find out.
 1 - Ace Hardware
 2 - True Value
 3 - Do It Best

Store Address, City, State, Zip - The address for the store location.

Time Zone - The time zone used at this store location.

Store Phone Number - The location's phone number.

Schedule Start Day - The day you wish your schedule management view to start on. Monday is the most common day chosen.

Start Store Time - The store's start time.

End Store Time - The store's end time.


Proceed to Positions

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