Creating Shift Templates

Templates can make scheduling a breeze. We recommend that you create templates for your most common shift position and time combinations and reuse them at any time to quickly build your schedule. 

To create a new shift template:

  1. If you have access to more than one store, select the store from the menu bar.
  2. From the Menu Bar, select Scheduling and then Manage Schedule. The Schedule screen displays.
  3. On the left sidebar Actions Menu, you will see Templates. Select the Add icon next to Templates. The Shift Template pop-up displays.
  4. Enter the following information:
    • Position – Select a position from the drop-down. For example, Cashier.
    • Start Time – Select the start time of the shift.
    • End Time – Select the end time of the shift.
    • Meal Start Time – Select the start time of the meal break.
    • Meal End Time – Select the end time of the meal break.
    • Override Availability – Switch on this toggle if you want to override availability of the employee during the shift.
    • Override Hours Restriction – Switch on the toggle if you want to override the restriction on hours.
    • Override Maximum Shifts Per Day – Switch on this toggle if you want to override the number of shifts allowed per day.
  5. Select Save to save the new shift template.

This completes creating a new shift template. You can now select and drag the new template from the Template list to the Schedule table wherever you see fit, allowing you to build your schedule quickly.

Additional Features

While on the Manage Schedule page, you can use the following additional features related to Templates:


  1. Expand icon - Shows just the templates in the Actions menu.
  2. Arrow icon – Enable it to change the positioning of templates displayed in the list. You can bring the commonly used templates to the top of the list by drag and drop. Once done click on the arrow icon again to lock the template placement/order in the list.
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